•| Edit: This will prevent the remaining lines from going through the 2nd for
loop when the flag
has been set, and the line identities have already occurred.
As the flag has already been set, the loop does not need to continue.
If there are few lines, nothing changes, but if you have many lines, this can make a big difference in the total time process.
When adding the goto :skip
, you goto exit the 2nd for
cloop immediately, avoiding repetitive processing for each line, because you already been found the same string/line match.
@echo off && setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
cd /d "%~dp0" && if NOT exist NoMatchB.txt call :^)
for /f "tokens=1*" %%a in (NoMatchA.txt) DO (
for /f "tokens=1*" %%i in (NoMatchB.txt)do if NOT defined flag (
IF /i "%%~b"=="%%~j" (
SET "flag=1"
goto :skip
ECHO\value FLAG==!flag!
IF DEFINED flag (ECHO\echoed FLAG==1) ELSE ECHO\echoed FLAG==Undefined?
endlocal && goto :EOF
This is some that I prefer deal using with some different method.
You start the first loop by removing a variable, from there, it will only exist when some value is equal to "%%~b"
and "%%~j"
After that point, there is no need to compare any values within "%%~b"
and "%%~j"
in your 2nd loop.
Use if /i
and ~
") to remove double quotes from the string and compare the two variables in the loop with "double quotes"
@echo off && setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
cd /d "%~dp0" && if NOT exist NoMatchB.txt call :^)
for /f "tokens=1*" %%a in (NoMatchA.txt) DO (
for /f "tokens=1*" %%i in (NoMatchB.txt)do if NOT defined flag (
IF /i "%%~b"=="%%~j" SET "flag=1"
ECHO\value FLAG==!flag!
IF DEFINED flag (ECHO\echoed FLAG==1) ELSE ECHO\echoed FLAG==Undefined?
endlocal && goto :EOF
>NoMatchA.txt (
echo;1231509876 \USERS\HOMERSIMPSON\Doh.wav
echo;1234567890 \TEMP\ANIMALS\DOGS\FILE1.pdf
echo;0987654321 \TEMP\TREES\I hate willows.docx
echo;1029383321 \COVID\CANSUCk\MYBALLS\prettyflowers.jpg
echo;9999999999 \COVID\CANSUCk\MYBALLS\FlowersOnly.jpg
) && (
>NoMatchB.txt (
echo;1234567890 \TEMP\ANIMALS\DOGS\FILE1.pdf
echo;0987654321 \TEMP\TREES\I hate willows.docx
echo;1122334455 \TEMP\LINUX ISOS\linustarvolds.iso
echo;1029384756 \COVID\CANSUCk\MYBALLS\prettyflowers.jpg
echo;9999999999 \COVID\CANSUCk\MYBALLS\OnlyFlowers.jpg
) ) && exit /b
If I'm wrong or not, not sure, but this work for me, see the results:
value FLAG==
echoed FLAG==Undefined?
value FLAG==1
echoed FLAG==1
value FLAG==1
echoed FLAG==1
value FLAG==1
echoed FLAG==1
value FLAG==
echoed FLAG==Undefined?
- In all loops pass in your 1st loop, you remove the variable
set "flag="
- In first
loop remove the variable flag
, in your 2nd for
, you first check if your flag is not yet defined, if true, compare your variable %%~b
and then set
your flag
variable to value 1
if not defined flag IF /i "%%~b"=="%%~j" SET "flag=1"
Refer edit
after setting its variable flag, because %%~b == %%~j
, there is no need to continue comparing with the remaining lines of the file in this 2nd loop, then just use a goto :label
to exit the loop immediately and continue the main loop.
IF /i "%%~b"=="%%~j" (
SET "flag=1"
Goto :skip
case insensitive likeIF /I "%%b"=="%%j" SET flag=1
in them, or!
. If you can't provide us an actual data set that fails to work, I don't know how we are supposed to help. As it stands, what you posted above works fine unless there are special characters in the file and folder names. The problem is in the contents of the files as you already pointed out, so provide the content that is problematic.