I'm using Ubuntu 10.04, and starting a SOCKS proxy with 'ssh -D', and setting Ubuntu to use it with "System -> Preferences -> Network Proxy". Firefox uses the proxy, and the proxy's IP appears when I visit a site like http://www.whatismyip.com/.
My question is, is Firefox resolving DNS requests through this proxy? Is my web-browsing truly secure? (That is, until I exit the other end of the proxy. I know it's insecure after that.) (And I've verified the keys, I'm not being man-in-the-middled) (And--screw it. You know what I mean. Is it resolving DNS requests through the proxy?)
I don't know how I would go about verifying such a thing for myself. Using additional hardware such as another debugging proxy is not an option.
If Firefox isn't resolving my DNS requests through the SOCKS proxy, how do I go about fixing it?