This is the current situation: 1 MS Windows Software, 4 different rooms and 8 different machines, so organized:

  • Room 1: 2x Ubuntu, 1x Mac
  • Room 2: 3x Mac
  • Room 3: 2x Ubuntu

Each person needs the same software that runs on MS Windows only, so we have the option of buying the single license for each PC or the server license.

If we choose to get the server type license and we install it on a local MS Windows Server 2019 can i execute it from all the PCs? In other words, is it possible to install the software on the server and create some kind of symlink on all the desktop/laptop that need to access the software?

  • You cannot directly run Windows software on MACs or Ubuntu.
    – DavidPostill
    Commented Jul 19, 2020 at 15:09
  • @DavidPostill: There's always WINE, but their software needs to be tested & verified.
    – harrymc
    Commented Jul 19, 2020 at 15:37
  • 1
    You can get RDS (Terminal services) licences for the Windows Server 2019. So that 8 clients can concurrently connect to the Win Server using RDP - remote desktop, and run the app. Of course it costs more, RDS licences, plus probably more memory and CPU on server to handle the load.
    – Krackout
    Commented Jul 19, 2020 at 16:13
  • @harrymc That's why I said "directly"
    – DavidPostill
    Commented Jul 19, 2020 at 17:08
  • Knowing what the software is may make the answers & comments more accurate. For some kind of 'officey' app, wine or similar might work, for a heavy 3D renderer… unlikely.
    – Tetsujin
    Commented Jul 19, 2020 at 18:11

1 Answer 1


You could use Wine defined as:

Wine (originally an acronym for "Wine Is Not an Emulator") is a compatibility layer capable of running Windows applications on several POSIX-compliant operating systems, such as Linux, macOS, & BSD. Instead of simulating internal Windows logic like a virtual machine or emulator, Wine translates Windows API calls into POSIX calls on-the-fly, eliminating the performance and memory penalties of other methods and allowing you to cleanly integrate Windows applications into your desktop.

For legal reasons, you would need a license for every computer where the Windows software is installed.

If you would like to only buy one license for the Windows Server, some possibilities would be:

  • Use some Remote Desktop (RDP) software so each client can connect to the server and have its own desktop. Microsoft's RDP for that many clients needs buying enough Terminal Server Remote Desktop Client Access Licenses (CALs).

  • Publish the application from the server using an product such as the free WinConn that leverages RemoteApp technology. Another free possibility is RemoteApp on Github.

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