Hi i installed Kali Linux 2020.2, went into the plasma, then I start the program, writes that Could not find the program 'konsole'


1 Answer 1


I ran into the same issue switching xfce to kde desktop. Seems to be a known issue and fix not ready yet.

I got a workaround:

  1. cd /usr/share/kali-menu
  2. Backup application desktops: sudo cp -r applications applications.bak
  3. Backup exec-in-shell: sudo cp exec-in-shell exec-in-shell.bak
  4. Change "Terminal=true": sudo sed -i -e s/Terminal=true/Terminal=false/g applications/*.desktop
  5. Change content in exec-in-shell to following content:
konsole --hold -e "bash" "-c" "$1"
  1. Update actual desktop entries: sudo ./update-kali-menu

I'm not quite sure if this works fine for all desktop entries but works for me by now.

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