So, using "Find and replace" in VBA is very simple, we use Range.Replace()
Range.Replace (What, Replacement, LookAt, SearchOrder, MatchCase, MatchByte, SearchFormat, ReplaceFormat)
So, to search an entire worksheet, we can do something like:
Worksheets(1).Cells.replace What:=Range("A2"), Replacement:=Range("B2")
To replace everything in the first sheet matching the value of A2
with the value of B2
However, we do not know how many values are changed.
By using the .find()
method, we can find each entry, count it, and move on to the next one.
What I've done is two subs, one that finds and replaces, and one that defines what should be found and replaced.
It currently changes what is selected, and is also dependent on cells being exactly where they are in the example picture, so you might want to edit a bit.
Option Explicit
Sub run()
Dim cell As Range
With ActiveSheet
For Each cell In Selection ' Select what cells you want to use
Call CountReplace(cell, cell.Offset(8), 2) 'Replace with cell 8 cells down, and on sheet number 2
Next cell
End With
End Sub
Sub CountReplace(ByVal find_me As Range, replace_with As Range, dataSheet As Long)
Dim c As Range, i As Long
If find_me = replace_with Then Exit Sub 'Skip if the numbers are the same
i = 0
With Worksheets(dataSheet).UsedRange
Set c = .find(find_me, LookIn:=xlValues)
If Not c Is Nothing Then
c.replace What:=find_me, Replacement:=replace_with 'The find and replace function
Set c = .FindNext(c)
i = i + 1 'Counting how many times we find something
Loop While Not c Is Nothing
End If
End With
find_me = replace_with 'Replace the searched number with the replaced value
find_me.Offset(1) = i 'Store the number in the cell below the selected cell
End Sub
It does have at least one flaw. If multiple entries exist in the same cell, we will find the first one, but replace all, so they will only count as one.
So if that's a problem, then you'll have to figure that one out.