Like @zdan above, I did this by command line (using "cmd.exe" in Windows). It took some tinkering for my particular case, but a little research solved it.
Like zdan, I output the list to a TXT file, then used tokens
and delims
to rename the files accordingly. In my case, I started out with a list of files named like so:
I wanted the file date portion to be in y/m/d order, with the "name" part at the end so it would read like this:
To do this en-masse, I used the following code. Note that when doing it this way, ALL parts of the filename are considered, including the extension of ".csv". That goofed me up the first time around.
dir /B > fileList.txt
for /f "tokens=1,2,3,4,5 delims=-." %i in (fileList.txt) DO ren "%i-%j-%k-%l.%m" %l-%j-%k-%i.%m
The tokens
are the "parts" of the filename, the delims
are the separators. Note that in my case, I had 2 delimiters (a dash and a dot).
I personally don't care for the "Bulk Rename" app. As others have mentioned, the GUI is atrocious and not very intuitive. With a little research and simple coding, these things can be done much mroe efficiently and quickly.