I received FTP details. De credentials included a Passive port-range, which I am not familiar with. I tried to Google my issue, but I failed to find a solution.
When I try to connect to the FTP server via my FileZilla client, I get the following error:
Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Status: Initializing TLS... Status: Verifying certificate... Status: TLS connection established. Status: Logged in Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: PWD Response: 257 "/" is the current directory Command: TYPE I Response: 200 Type set to I Command: PASV Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (178,21,114,163,139,80). Command: MLSD Error: Connection timed out after 20 seconds of inactivity Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing
I am trying to figure out if this is a problem on my end. What should I do in order to connect to think FTP server?
Thanks in advance.