I use adapters (USB-C male to Ethernet female) and Ethernet cables to have wired network on my USB-C only laptop.

Is there any theoretical issue with having a USB-C male to Ethernet male cable (that has the network card nicely hidden somewhere inside)?

I never saw such a product - closest I saw was some kind of console management cable that couldn't be used for networking here.

Such cables exist for DisplayPort/HDMI/etc., but they don't seem to exist for Ethernet.

  • Management console cable isn’t Ethernet. Any event what you require is an usb Ethernet device. You won’t find a cable like the console cable since it’s actually detected as a serial device (which is how you manage network switches)
    – Ramhound
    May 7, 2021 at 12:07
  • Ethernet isn't an alt mode. The functionality / signal does not originate from the USB host / C port like the case in DisplayPort or HDMI (actually HDMI alt mode is less common so sometimes even those cables are active cables that consists of a tiny chip that fits in the plug for signal conversion).
    – Tom Yan
    May 7, 2021 at 13:32
  • My question is why didn’t anyone make a cable with a chip that would kill the need for an adapter and be comfortable to use just router -cable- laptop
    – Alistra
    May 7, 2021 at 15:26
  • 1
    Well, I guess it's because WiFi is so common and fast enough these days so no one in the USB-IF or any committee whatsoever bother to get an "Ethernet alt mode" standardized, which will cost the vendors of laptops extra effort / money to build in a NIC and wire it to the complex-enough already USB-C port. (Maybe also the fact that the pins can't matched neatly or so.)
    – Tom Yan
    May 7, 2021 at 17:25
  • If you are thinking of a NIC chip in the USB-C plug, well, it's still kind of ugly and inflexible in terms of cable length (like one can carry a dongle and a Ethernet cable of length he/she desires; but if it's what are you thinking of, the length is fixed and the cost per piece is higher, the vendor/retailer will have a headache in stocks and so)
    – Tom Yan
    May 7, 2021 at 17:33


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