I know that with the virsh command I can create several types of networks (a "NAT network", for example) as we can see in these URLs...

KVM network management
KVM default NAT-based networking (page 33)

QUESTION: How can I create a network (lan_n) where only guests/VMs have connectivity, with no outbound connectivity and no host/hypervisor connectivity?

NOTE: The connectivity to other resources will be provided by a pfSense firewall server that will have access to another network (wan_n) with outbound connectivity and other resources.

Network layout...

   ↕             ↕             ↕
  [V]some_vm_0  [V]some_vm_1  [V]some_vm_4
                [V]some_vm_2  [V]some_vm_5

 _ [N] - Network;
 _ [I] - Network Interface;
 _ [V] - Virtual Machine.

NOTE: The host/hypervisor OS is CentOS 7.

Thanks! =D

  • This is a cross-post: serverfault.com/questions/1066478/…. Jun 12, 2021 at 2:09
  • 1
    You can at least use a bridge without assigning an IP and/or enslaving a physical NIC to it. (There's sysctl setting that turns off IPv6 link-local addressing for it btw.)
    – Tom Yan
    Jun 12, 2021 at 4:44
  • @TomYan What would be the procedure to do this in CentOS 7? You can provide an answer and I will accept it if it works! Thanks! =D Jun 12, 2021 at 19:47
  • @berndbausch It is true! Sorry about that! I'm going to delete the other thread. =D Jun 12, 2021 at 19:49
  • 1
    The very last example on that page disables host access (and access to the VMs from the host, too): libvirt.org/formatnetwork.html#examplesNoGateway. I suppose this is achieved by not giving the bridge an IP address, though the details are a bit dark to me. Jun 12, 2021 at 23:44

1 Answer 1


Create a new network config with no gateway addresses on KVM ("very private" or "very isolated")

This type of network can be used for a very private or very isolated network since it will not be possible to communicate with the virtualization host via this network. However, this virtual network interface can be used for communication between virtual guest systems. This works for IPv4 and IPv6. However, the new ipv6='yes' must be added for guest-to-guest IPv6 communication.

  • Check networks status in KVM and OS

Check networks in use by KVM...

brctl show

Check KVM Virtual Networks...

virsh net-list

Check networks in OS...

ip a
  • Create a new network config with no gateway addresses


read -r -d '' FILE_CONTENT << 'HEREDOC'
  <bridge name='virbr[MY_NETWORK_NUMBER]' stp='on' delay='0'/>
  <mac address='52:54:00:[MY_NETWORK_MAC_FINAL]'/>

echo -n "${FILE_CONTENT:6:-3}" > '/usr/share/libvirt/networks/[MY_NETWORK_NAME].xml'

  1. "[MY_NETWORK_NAME]" - Name in lowercase without spaces and special characters;
  2. "[MY_NETWORK_UUID]" ("uuid" is OPTIONAL) - You can generate a new one at the URL https://www.uuidgenerator.net/version4 ;
  3. "[MY_NETWORK_NUMBER]" - We use the "virbr" prefix to follow the existing naming "convention";
  4. "[MY_NETWORK_MAC_FINAL]" ("mac" is OPTIONAL) - The prefix "52:54:00:" is always the same, otherwise the error "Invalid multicast bridge mac address" will happen. You can generate a new one at the URL https://miniwebtool.com/mac-address-generator/ .


read -r -d '' FILE_CONTENT << 'HEREDOC'
  <bridge name='virbr1' stp='on' delay='0'/>
  <mac address='52:54:00:CB:8A:F0'/>

echo -n "${FILE_CONTENT:6:-3}" > '/usr/share/libvirt/networks/okd_very_private.xml'

Add the new network definition XML file to libvirt...


virsh net-define "/usr/share/libvirt/networks/[MY_NETWORK_NAME].xml"


virsh net-define "/usr/share/libvirt/networks/okd_very_private.xml"

NOTE: The "net-define" is an alternative to "net-create". Use this when you want a persistent virtual network that will last through reboots and shutdowns, rather than a transient one created using "net-create".

Start the new network...


virsh net-start [MY_NETWORK_NAME]


virsh net-start okd_very_private

To set the new network to automatically startup each time the KVM host is rebooted...


virsh net-autostart [MY_NETWORK_NAME]


virsh net-autostart okd_very_private

TIP: To view configuration details of a specific network defined in libvirt, use the command...


virsh net-dumpxml [MY_NETWORK_NAME]


virsh net-dumpxml okd_very_private


[Ref(s).: https://libvirt.org/formatnetwork.html#examplesNoGateway ]

Especial thanks to @berndbausch ! =D

  • 1
    Btw, you might want to set the sysctl disable_ipv6 of virbr1 to 1, so that no ipv6 link-local address will be assigned to the bridge on the host.
    – Tom Yan
    Jun 29, 2021 at 4:10

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