I have a Surface Book 2 laptop and also a desktop. I find it easier to read when I zoom in on articles and emails. If I use 'ctrl and +' to zoom in, unfortunately, it also makes all the panes and sidebars on the website larger as well. But if I pinch and zoom, I can get the text to fill the physical screen - it works a lot better for zooming in to read. Is there any way I can simulate 'pinch and zoom' on my desktop?

2 Answers 2


I use this extension, that makes your zoom work as a laptop trackpad:


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    – Community Bot
    Jul 25, 2022 at 10:55

Not possible as far as I have been looking for it :( The closer you can go it to do Win + / Win - which activates the magnifier which does not change layoutt but of course it is not the same.

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