I have used the below code to compare the two files excel1 and excel2 and write the difference out to another file, but the output format is way different than expected.


$File1 = Get-Content C:\Work\Compare\Excel1.xlsx
$File2 = Get-Content C:\Work\Compare\Excel2.xlsx

$Location = C:\Work\Compare\diff.csv

compare-object (get-content $File1) (get-content $File2) | format-list | Out-File $Location

Excel1 enter image description here

Excel2 enter image description here

Output get-content : Illegal characters in path. At C:\Users\lchandrakanthredd\Desktop\Untitled2.ps1:8 char:38

  • compare-object (get-content $File1) (get-content $File2) | format-lis

Appreciate your answers to the above question

Thanks In Advance

  • Get-Content reads texts from a file, or the bytes in a binary file into an array, how can it understand the content of xlsx files
    – phuclv
    Aug 5, 2021 at 8:25
  • What is the parameter used to get the data from Excel.?
    – chandu
    Aug 5, 2021 at 9:15
  • 1
    there's none. You must have some library to parse the xlsx file
    – phuclv
    Aug 5, 2021 at 9:25


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