Let's assume I'm on a public, unsecured wifi and malicious hackers have full access to it.

If I'm only using https,what are the risks?


1 Answer 1


If the hacker controls the local DNS server, then it can redirect your connection to its own website to establish its server as man-in-the-middle and connect to the website as your agent.

This means that the hacker can read all your sensitive data.

Don't try to outsmart the hackers - You stand no chance in that competition. Don't enter sensitive information on public WiFi unless you have full confidence in its integrity.

  • This will only work on unencrypted (http) connections. However if your connection is not encrypted and the hacker is controlling the WiFi access point / router then he can just listen in on the communication, there is no need to have its own server. On secure connections (https) the browser will prevent you from accessing a 'fake' server as it doesn't have a certificate matching the server name. Sep 7, 2021 at 10:11

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