So im trying to set up emulationstation to run my PS2 games via the retroarch core. I have this

C:\Users\VODKAN~1\.emulationstation\systems\RetroArch\retroarch.exe -L C:\Users\VODKAN~1\.emulationstation\systems\RetroArch\cores\pcsx2_libretro.dll "%ROM_RAW%" | taskkill /im cmd.exe

Now buy itself in retroarch it works just fine but when launching through ES the closing of the cmd.exe triggers ES to pop back up. I've tried start /B /WAIT at the front but it ends in the same way. Is it possible to run this command and have it sit idle till the program closes then kill the cmd.exe?

1 Answer 1


Try this:

retroarch.exe -L C:\Users\VODKAN~1\.emulationstation\systems\RetroArch\cores\pcsx2_libretro.dll "%ROM_RAW%" & exit
  • this still leaves the cmd.exe open still needing to be closed. Oct 9, 2021 at 19:57

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