General info: Windows 11, Office 365, both languages installed in the system as well as in Word.
I use two keyboard layouts (English and Czech), which have completely different punctuation, so even if I write English text, I will mostly want to stay in the Czech layout.
When writing any kind of text in Word, the editor seems to set the language of the text written to that of the current keyboard layout. There are plenty of ways of changing the proofreading language after the text is written, but I have not yet seen a way of changing the default settings so that the text stays in English even if written in a Czech layout.
Is there a way of bypassing this annoying "smart feature" of Word to hardwire the document to be proofread in English regardless of the current keyboard layout?
I have played around with the "Detect language automatically" feature, but it seems to affect only a selected region, which is retrospective by principle.