I have a folder ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft that does not appear at all in ls, autocomplete or Finder. If I navigate to the directory in the terminal and use open ., Finder opens up to the Library folder. I have "show hidden files" on.

Picture showing command prompt and Finder, showing that Finder has hidden folders available, that the folder can be navigated to in the terminal, and that the folder appears to be missing in Finder

enter image description here

I can move all its contents into a new folder with mv minecraft/ minecraft-backup, and the new folder is completely visible. When I rename the new folder back to minecraft it disappears once again. If I make a new folder at minecraft it also disappears. If I put a text file in its place, it is also hidden, though can be edited by vim.

Here is the output from running stat on the two folders:

    ⚡︎ stat minecraft/ minecraft-backup/
16777230 32605568 drwxr-xr-x 2 corms staff 0 64 "Dec  4 10:23:58 2021" "Dec  4 10:23:58 2021" "Dec  4 10:23:58 2021" "Dec  4 10:23:58 2021" 4096 0 0 minecraft/
16777230 6291018 drwxr-xr-x 37 corms staff 0 1184 "Dec  4 09:46:29 2021" "Dec  3 21:04:18 2021" "Dec  4 09:57:51 2021" "Jun 20 19:07:15 2020" 4096 0 0 minecraft-backup/
  • Try open "./Library/Application Support/minecraft/" If it's hidden by chflags then you need to nohidden it - which minecraft might fight you on. I don't have minecraft to test.
    – Tetsujin
    Dec 4, 2021 at 19:22
  • What does ls -leO@d ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft show? (It'll list ACL entries, flags, and extended attributes along with the usual info.) Dec 4, 2021 at 21:04
  • @GordonDavisson: ls: /Users/corms/Library/Application Support/minecraft: No such file or directory Dec 5, 2021 at 17:53

1 Answer 1


The post I don't have a Minecraft folder anywhere on my Mac contains various methods for unhiding the folder or for positioning into it.

The easy way that is listed, although not permanent, is to:

Open Minecraft and launch the game. Click Options…, Resource Packs…, then at the bottom of this screen, find and click Open Resource Pack Folder.

You will now have a finder window open that is inside your minecraft folder. Navigate up one folder by typing and you will be looking at your minecraft folder.

  • This is how I initially determined that I cannot navigate to the folder in Finder. I had clicked it and it opened to ~/Library instead Dec 5, 2021 at 17:54
  • Try the other methods, perhaps one of them will work.
    – harrymc
    Dec 5, 2021 at 18:01

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