I'm using WSL on Windows while using Docker.
I am adopting this solution
So I tried to mount "mounted_folder" with "file_at_host" file here by Docker on WSL. Like...
docker run -it -v //C/Users/<username>/Desktop/mounted_folder://new_dir <image> bash
docker run -it -v /C/Users/<username>/Desktop/mounted_folder:/new_dir <image> bash
But as you can see in the next picture, ls command shows no files.
On the other hand, I tried to do the same thing on Command Prompt.
docker run -it -v C:\Users\<username>\Desktop\mounted_folder:/new_dir <image> bash
Then I could find "file_at_host" file with ls command.
How could this happen?
And, which folder is docker referring to when it mounts folder?
Can I find that folder on Windows GUI?
Similarly, I tried to mount a folder by docker with WSL and made "something.ipynb" file in container.
docker run -p 8888:8888 -v /c/Users/<username>/Desktop/ds_python:/work --name my-lab <image>
And I couldn't find "something.ipynb" file on Windows GUI where it should be in the applicable folder "ds_python".
But, I found that "something.ipynb" file exists when I tried to mount "Desktop" by Docker with WSL.
Like the picture above,"something.ipynb" file appears, while I couldn't find it on Windows GUI "C:\Users\Desktop\ds_python".
How can I make a breakthrough about this?
"C:\Users\Desktop" and "/c/Users//Desktop/" are different?
Then how can I see the latter on Windows?
And also, how can I mount the applicable folder on Windows with WSL by Docker?