I'm trying to achieve a simple camera streaming using FFMpeg and FFserver. I have two slightly different systems acting as source, both Debian OS:

  • the first one runs ffmpeg 3.4.8, as indicated in figure 1

First system FFMPEG version

  • the second one runs ffmpeg 2.8.17, as indicated in figure 2

Second system FFMPEG version

The ffmpeg command used to send the stream to to ffserver is the following, identical for both systems:

ffmpeg -re -f v4l2 -s 640x360 -thread_queue_size 20 -probesize 32 -i /dev/video0 -threads 4 -fflags nobuffer -tune zerolatency http://myserverIP:myserverPort/liveFeed.ffm

In order to see the stream result I access the live stream from a third system using openCV pointing to the server URL:

VideoCapture videoCap = new VideoCapture("http://myserverIP:myserverPort/liveFeed.flv"); 

and start grabbing the incoming frames from the stream.

The wierd thing happens here:

  • with the first system the video stream visualized through openCV is pretty much real time, with 1-2 seconds of delay from the original source.
  • with the second system the video stream is affected by a variable delay which is comparable with the elapsed time between the start time of the stream source and the start time of the stream acquisition with openCV (for example: if I start the source stream at 12:00:00 and wait 30 seconds before access the stream with openCV, I have a delay of about 30 seconds shown on the third system)

The ffserver configuration is the following

MaxHTTPConnections 2000
MaxClients 1000
MaxBandwidth 6000
CustomLog -

<Feed liveFeed.ffm>
    File /tmp/SCT-0001_3.ffm
    FileMaxSize 5M

<Stream liveFeed.flv>
    Format flv
    Feed liveFeed.ffm

    VideoCodec libx264
    VideoFrameRate 20
    VideoBitRate 200
    VideoSize 640x360
    AVOptionVideo preset superfast
    AVOptionVideo tune zerolatency
    AVOptionVideo flags +global_header


# Special streams
<Stream stat.html>
    Format status
    # Only allow local people to get the status
    ACL allow localhost
    ACL allow

# Redirect index.html to the appropriate site
<Redirect index.html>
    URL http://www.ffmpeg.org/

Any help to spot the problem would be great! Thanks

  • I don't think it's an OpenCV problem. the server appears to serve the entire file, so any player playing the URL will start from the beginning instead of from now Commented May 2, 2022 at 9:06
  • I run some more test in order to better understand the issue: for simplicity I use ffplay to receive the live stream video. I notice that ffplay -i http://myserverIP:myserverPort/liveFeed.flv produces a similar result as when I use openCV with videocapture, instead if I add the -fflag nobuffer to the ffplay command the stream result in real time (<1s latency). Is there any possibility to achieve the same result in openCV? Commented May 2, 2022 at 19:16


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