I have the same issue, but have a few possible solutions.
My nfs logs look like this (I'm guessing yours do, too):
cat /var/log/syslog
refused mount request from for /mnt/poolio/data
(/mnt/data): illegal port 59646
The solutions seem to be rabbit holes...
By default, WSL's network is NAT'd. This requires port forwarding.
Basically what's going on:
The NFS client is using a reserved port under 1024 which can only be open with root privileges, hence the security.
WSL does the port translation (NAT) -> client port is now greater than 1024.
The NFS server refuses the connection with that insecure port.
There are several possible solutions, each of which have their pros and cons unfortunately:
Solution 1: Use port forwarding
Solution 2: Use Bridge Mode instead of NAT on WSL interface. (apparently creates DNS issues)
Solution 3: Allow insecure ports on the NFS server. Problem is anyone can impersonate you if you allow this.
The first two solutions are mentioned in this Stack Overflow answer. The third I don't have a link for yet -- My apologies.
I have not had a chance to try any of these yet, myself. I'd be interested in hearing your results if you get a chance to try them before I do.
Apologies for not providing more complete instructions. I know that is how I prefer my answers.
/srv/Skipspace != /srv/Storage