My fastest way of working is not to have 4 monitors (swiveling or rotating the head takes at least half a second) but to have fixed Virtual Desktops for specific tasks. So I know "Webbrowser: 3rd Desktop". To switch there I do not want to dislocate by left fingers nor do I want to use both hands (Win+Ctrl+...). And I know where I want to go and not first try Left once, then Right twice.

So: How do I assign "Switch to Virtual Desktop 1" fo "F1", and to F2, F3 and F4 respectivly? It should not be a relative action (one to the left or right) but absolute ("the one where I always have my browser").

I don't mind loosing "Help" on F1, "Rename" on F2. But as a bonus reassigning those to, say, Win+F1 and Win+F2 would be nice.

Another bonus would be no have a convenient way to send the focused Window to a specific Virtual Desktop. Opening the Task Switcher and then using Drag and Drop is not convenient; especially, if I need to switch to the Virtual Desktop first and reopenign the Task Switcher again. I imagine either a hotkey (absolute, like "Send to Desktop 3", Win+Ctrl+Shift+F1 maybe), or a Taskbar- or Titlebar-action. That's a lot, I know, but that would be very convienient.

Things I tried:

I looked into AutoHotKey but I did not see a way how to get to an absolute Virtual Desktop. This one did work actually, but was very slow. Because it cycles through the desktops dynamically it seems. So to get from Desktop 1 to Desktop 4 takes seconds.

Here it says "quick switch" to an absolute desktop might be impossible, but that part is really important to me. And this one also comes close using AutoHotKey, but relative again.

  • Sounds like you need to install a third party powershell module, write the approapriate ps1 script for switch to desktop 1, switch to desktop 2 etc... then use autohotkey to bind F1, F2 to each individual desktop switching script. Have you seen this one by MScholtes? github.com/MScholtes/PSVirtualDesktop
    – Mastaxx
    Commented May 20, 2022 at 7:59

1 Answer 1


Try the AutoHotKey Github project of Windows 10 Virtual Desktop Enhancer.

You need to download the project as a Zip file, unpack to a folder, then double-click the script virtual-desktop-enhancer.ahk (assuming AutoHotKey is already installed).

Use by default the combination of Win+Ctrl+Numpad-key to switch to the virtual desktop of this number.

Keyboard shortcuts can be modified in the file settings.ini.

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