I've got an folder with PDF-files with names like


The numbers might contain 1, 2 or 3 digits. I need to generate HTML-code like:

<a href="pdfs/page_1_excercise_2.pdf">Page 1, Excercise 2</a>
<a href="pdfs/page_23_excercise_3_4_and_5.pdf">Page 23, Excercise 3, 4 and 5</a>
<a href="pdfs/page_456_excercise_16_and_17.pdf">Page 456, Excercise 16 and 17</a>

Is there a way to do so using a batch-file in Windows?

Here is what I was able to find so far:

@echo off
Setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

for /f "tokens=*" %%i in ('dir /b /a:-d *.pdf') do (
set filename=%%i
set filename=!filename:.pdf=!
set filename=!filename:_= !
echo ^<a href="pdfs/%%i"^>!filename!^</a^> >> files.html)

It works fine, but I'd like to add a comma after each excercise number and convert the first letter (like "P" in "Page 456...") to a capital.


1 Answer 1

@echo off && setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion

cd /d "%~dp0" && for %%i in ("%cd%")do set "_dir=%%~nxi"
set "_alf=A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z"

>.\Output.html (
    findstr /be ^<.*^> "%~f0"
    for /f tokens^=1-7*delims^=_ %%i in ('where .:*.pdf')do (
         call %:^) "%%~ni" "%%~k" _str_1 _str_2 "%_alf%" && if "%%~xl" == ".pdf" (
         echo;^<a href="%_dir%/%%~ni_%%~j_%%~k_%%~nxl"^>!_str_1! %%~j, !_str_2! %%~nl^</a^>
        )else if "%%~xn" == ".pdf" (
         echo;^<a href="%_dir%/%%~ni_%%~j_%%~k_%%~l_%%~m_%%~nxn"^>!_str_1! %%~j, !_str_2! %%~l %%~m %%~nn^</a^>
        )else if "%%~xo" == ".pdf" (
         echo;^<a href="%_dir%/%%~ni_%%~j_%%~k_%%~l_%%~m_%%~n_%%~nxo"^>!_str_1! %%~j, !_str_2! %%~l, %%~m %%~n %%~no^</a^>
    echo\^</body^>&echo\^</html^>) & endlocal & goto :eof

set "_str#1=%~1" && set "_str#2=%~2" && for %%i in (%~5)do (
     if /i "!_str#1:~0,1!" == "%%~i" set "%~3=%%~i!_str#1:~1!"
     if /i "!_str#2:~0,1!" == "%%~i" set "%~4=%%~i!_str#2:~1!"

exit /b

<!doctype html>
<title>Our Funky HTML Page</title>
<meta name="description" content="Our first page">
<meta name="keywords" content="html tutorial template">

  • HTML file output:
<!doctype html>
<title>Our Funky HTML Page</title>
<meta name="description" content="Our first page">
<meta name="keywords" content="html tutorial template">
<a href="Q1728787/page_1_excercise_2.pdf">Page 1, Excercise 2</a>
<a href="Q1728787/page_23_excercise_3_4_and_5.pdf">Page 23, Excercise 3, 4 and 5</a>
<a href="Q1728787/page_456_excercise_16_and_17.pdf">Page 456, Excercise 16 and 17</a>

1. Enter the folder where you have the pdf files, or run bat in that same folder:

cd /d "%~dp0" 
:: or 
cd /d "D:\Full\Path\To\Your\PDFs\Folder"

2. Get only current folder name and save in variable:

for %%i in ("%cd%")do set "_dir=%%~nxi"

3. Defines a variable with capital letters in order to set used in a for loop delimited by comma:

set "_alf=A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z"

4. Redirect string processing block in html file:

>.\Output.html (

5. Add the necessary html tags at the beginning of each line and after the last line of your bat and use a findstr /Begin /End <one or more characters> to filter them to your html file:


findstr /be ^<.*^> "%~f0"


<!doctype html>
<title>Our Funky HTML Page</title>
<meta name="description" content="Our first page">
<meta name="keywords" content="html tutorial template">

6. Use a for /f loop as command that lists only your files in your folder, and assume as delimiter _, feared by tokens from 1 to 8 1-7*:

  for /f tokens^=1-7*delims^=_ %%i in ('where .:*.pdf')do ...

7. Use an if to compare take actions for each possible token where you have its file extension, which will match for the composition of the string with or without a comma:

....)do ...  && if "%%~xl" == ".pdf" (
          echo  ...
        )else if "%%~xn" == ".pdf" (
          echo  ...
        )else if "%%~xo" == ".pdf" (
          echo  ...

8. For all case where the extension is equal to .pdf, treat the strings inside a function to replace the first character to the Capital case and already taking your tokens and their names for each variable where you will save the strings to compose your desired output:

...)do call %:^) "%%~ni" "%%~k" _str_1 _str_2 "%_alf%" && if ... (
         echo;^<a href="%_dir%/%%~ni_%%~j_%%~k_%%~nxl"^>!_str_1! %%~j, !_str_2! %%~nl^</a^>
        )else if ... (
         echo;^<a href="%_dir%/%%~ni_%%~j_%%~k_%%~l_%%~m_%%~nxn"^>!_str_1! %%~j, !_str_2! %%~l %%~m %%~nn^</a^>
        )else if ... (
         echo;^<a href="%_dir%/%%~ni_%%~j_%%~k_%%~l_%%~m_%%~n_%%~nxo"^>!_str_1! %%~j, !_str_2! %%~l, %%~m %%~n %%~no^</a^>

9. Take your string to page and excercise to a function, along with the alphabet variable _alf in capital, where in loop the replacement of the first character that matches true to the insesitive case in the use of if /i will execute the substring with replace:

...)do call %:^) "%%~ni" "%%~k" _str_1 _str_2 "%_alf%" ... (

set "_str#1=%~1" && set "_str#2=%~2" && for %%i in (%~5)do (
     if /i "!_str#1:~0,1!" == "%%~i" set "%~3=%%~i!_str#1:~1!"
     if /i "!_str#2:~0,1!" == "%%~i" set "%~4=%%~i!_str#2:~1!"

Additional resources:

  • senhor superdotado Jun 28, 2022 at 15:41
  • @SeñorCMasMas Mi Señor, IoL I’m just try to learn a little bit... and try to help where is possible..
    – Io-oI
    Jun 28, 2022 at 15:49

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