I have a tmux window with 2 panes (pane-ids: 0 and 1). In the pane 0 there is vim launched. I want to fire a combination of two commands from tmux command-prompt:

:send-keys -t 0 "iabc" ; swap-pane -D

The keys iabc are to enter Insert mode in vim and type. It doesn't matter what they are - just intended to be input for vim. Unfortunately this doesn't work. The swap-pane does work but the sent keys are not "consumed" by vim until after I manually press some key in the vim's pane or call a separate send-keys again and then suddenly the "suspended" action takes effect. It looks like the vim's process cannot consume input because of swapping the containing pane at the same time.

Eventually I need a binding like: bind-key s send-keys -t 0 "iabc" \; swap-pane -D but I observed it behaved exactly the same on a command-prompt level.

I tried many different binding versions with multiple send-keyss and sequences and neither works so please don't suggest untested guesses because I've already wasted a whole lot of time for it :( I need to achieve it in a single bind-key. I'll appreciate any help or explanation of this failure.

tmux 3.0a, vim 8.1, bash 5.0.17(1), Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS

  • Cannot replicate in tmux 3.3a, vim 9.0.1189, bash 5.2.15(1)-release, Kubuntu 23.04. Possibly there was some bug that has been fixed. Commented Sep 29, 2023 at 5:34


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