I understand that Ctrl + Refresh fetches fresh content from browser without reading the cache. Then what is Ctrl + Shift + Refresh for?

Ctrl + Refresh request header are like this:

Cache-Control : max-age=0

for Ctrl + Shift + Refresh

Pragma : no-cache <br>
Cache-Control : no-cache

What is the real difference?

  • 4
    What browser are you using? Ctrl+Shift+F5 does nothing in both Firefox 3.5 or IE 6.
    – mlevit
    Commented Aug 3, 2009 at 4:20
  • 2
    I always thought CTRL+SHIFT+REFRESH was a gimmick programmers told their clients...
    – user2980
    Commented Aug 3, 2009 at 4:45
  • @user2980 well you're wrong :)
    – RomanSt
    Commented Sep 8, 2011 at 20:00

2 Answers 2


Both are identical to the browser on the local machine. The headers you mentioned are the only difference.

The Ctrl+Refresh header means that any caching servers along the way should return a fresh copy of the page.

The Ctrl+Shift+Refresh headers mean that any caching servers along the way should return a fresh copy of the page, and should also not cache the page for any future requests. In other words, the next time the page is requested, it should either use a previous cache of the page or request a fresh copy, but should not use this one.

Pragma: no-cache is the HTTP 1.0 version of Cache-Control: no-cache. There is no HTTP 1.0 equivalent to Cache-Control: max-age=0.

RFC2616 section 14 subsection 9 has relevant information: w3c.org: RFC2616 sec 14.9.1


There is another difference, and a big one at that.

When you hit Ctrl+Refresh, for every cached object that has a Last-Modified or ETag header, the browser will issue a request with an If-Modified-Since or If-None-Match header. The server may then choose to respond with a 304 Not Modified, without re-sending any data (assuming the data is, in fact, not modified).

When you hit Ctrl+Shift+Refresh, the browser won't issue such conditional If-* headers, leaving the server no option but to send the data again.

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