I hope it's simple. I'm tied to the following situation:
A tight VPN that allows me to access only port 22 of my server, and has to be via IP address (no DNS)
My happy PuTTY tunnels that gives me access to all other ports in that server. For this example let's connect to oracle on 1521. So my PuTTY has: L1521 to Grand, toad wroks.
An annoying Windows XP application which I really need and there's no other option. It connects via port 57001, so I have another PuTTY map and it works fine.
When does trouble happen:
This application connects to the server and fetches some other connection data. Actually, it fetches the database connection for itself, something like But as I said, that server will only accept on port 22, thus my PuTTY tunnels.
It's worth mentioning that I cannot change the connection data it fetches.
I reckon if I could tell my Windows installation "hey when something asks you send it to instead", would do it. I just don't know how. The hosts file does it for host names, what about concrete IP addresses?