I was writing my math paper, and I want to use Caption system to labelling the definitions, theorems, etc.. I am using heading numbering, so I can use heading number for caption. However, what my lecturer wants the numbering should be like this

Definition 2.1.1
Definition 2.1.2
Theorem 2.1.3
Proposition 2.1.4
Theorem 2.1.5
(the last number continues in the same heading (2.1))

And what I got now is like this
Definition 2.1.1
Definition 2.1.2
Theorem 2.1.1
Proposition 2.1.1
Theorem 2.1.2
(the numbering of every label is separated)

Can I do this automatically in Word?

1 Answer 1


You cannot, automatically. You can work around it.

The numbering is done using SEQ Fields. See also SEQ Field.

You want to change the SEQ field identifiers so they are all the same.

Here is my article on dealing with fields. You need to change the field codes. You can use the keyboard shortcut to toggle field codes. (Alt+F9 in Windows versions)

Conversely, if you do not need these in separate tables of figures, you could create them all using the same label and simply edit the text in the Caption.

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