iPhone headsets have both microphone and headphone functionality using 1 jack. However, my computer has two jacks for two different things: Microphone and headphones. How can I use it for both on my computer?

3 Answers 3


You should be able to find an adapter that has two plugs for your computer.

Here's one I found by googling, but I can't vouch for the site myself: http://www.showmecables.com/viewItem.asp?idProduct=8183#

  • This works, but I am not sure if that is a economic solution.
    – Strawberry
    Commented Aug 17, 2010 at 1:56

The iPhone headset jack is TRRS, so it's a total of 3 channels (1 in, 2 out) with a common ground. This web page has the pinout and some other information: http://geekspeak.org/blog/2008/08/12/iphone-headset-plug
(TRRS = LeftRightGroundMic)

Someone may know of a breakout box or cable, but you're probably going to need to know some electrical engineering to solder a solution for yourself.


It would be much less hassle for you to buy another headset for your computer. Analogue headsets are extremely cheap on eBay, although I would recommend that you spent a bit more on a USB headset (maybe Plantronics or Logitech) if you are going to use it a lot.

  • 1
    I'm the downvoter. This really doesn't answer the question. The OP does not want to purchase another headset for some reason, this is quite clear. And I honestly think that the information in this answer, that generic headsets are cheap falls under "obvious common knowledge".
    – ppeterka
    Commented Jan 27, 2014 at 9:55

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