I write a bash script who perform post-installation configuration of my Fedora Workstation.

I would connect my Nextcloud server with GNOME Online Accounts.

Is it possible to make that with command line interface ?

Mount WebDav-Share with davfs2 command ?


I read the Gentoo wiki https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/GNOME/Guide/en which gives some Gnome commands but I did not find anything.

can you help me please ?

1 Answer 1


I found a solution. This solution can help, I'll post it here.

  1. In your actuall Gnome personnal home folder go to .config/goa-1.0

goa = Gnome Online Account

1.0 at this time maybe it will be another version for you.

  1. In goa-1.0 you should find a conf file « accounts.conf » If you have added an online account in Gnome parameters. accounts.conf example :

     [Account account_1875320154_0]
     [email protected]
  2. save and past «  accounts.conf » in your new Gnome installation. Same folder /home/user/.config/goa-1.0.

  3. A network link appears automatically in Nautilus

  4. Go to Gnome paramaters --> @ Online accouts a warning message prompts you to enter your online account password. Enter your password and everything should be OK.

In my case, the post-installation script will create the accounts.conf file automatically.

It may not be the best way, but it works.

Et voilà :)

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