I have Word Doc I am working on and I have a heading with a style set up. I want the heading to have a time displayed at the end of the line with different formating so that the heading is in bold and the time is in italics

Sample Heading___________________________________10Mins

Is it possible to have part of this style when I press tab the text jumps to the far right (which I have working) but also the formatting of the font changes?

  • As far as I know, this cannot be achieved.
    – Ceasar
    Commented Feb 2, 2023 at 1:08

1 Answer 1


No, styles in Word do not work this way. I can suggest a couple of workarounds.

The simplest would be a two column table with the columns formatted differently. You could still use a right-tab with a line or dot leader if you want, but you would need to use Ctrl+Tab to generate that leader.

A second method would be to use a character style for the second part and attach a keyboard shortcut to the style. Because Bold is a toggle attribute in Word, if your Heading paragraph style is in Bold and you want your character style to be non-Bold and Italics in the heading, you would want the character style to actually include both Bold and Italics.


If you are using the Character style, it would be possible to write a macro that would insert the tab and switch to the character style with a keyboard shortcut attached.

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