Is it possible to download an MP3 file just by clicking on it in Google Chrome? Currently, it starts playing the file in the embedded player.


4 Answers 4


Alt + click on the link.

  • It's not a link, it's an embedded player. Aug 17, 2010 at 14:35
  • The embedded player of Chrome (plug-in?) starts once you click on a link pointing a mp3 file, try it.
    – cYrus
    Aug 17, 2010 at 14:41
  • It downloads a .mpeg here, not the .mp3 itself... Aug 17, 2010 at 17:41
  • It downloads the file pointed by the link (whatever it is, even an HTML page), if the link points to 'file.mp3' Chrome will download it. I can't see your problem, here everything works as expected. From the Google Chrome guide (google.com/support/chrome/bin/…): Press Alt and click a link. Downloads the target of the link.
    – cYrus
    Aug 17, 2010 at 18:46

I don't have the capacity to test this right now, but if I remember correctly, when the embedded music player comes up, can't you just go to the file menu and hit "Save Page as..."?

Alternatively, Holding CTRL and hitting S should do the trick as well.

Edit: I went out of my way to test, and it does work.

  • So simple, yet brilliant lol
    – Cold_Class
    Aug 24, 2020 at 19:34

Orbit Downloader can do this for you.

  • Use oGet along with Orbit and chrome seems perfect :) https://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/lfjamigppmepikjlacjdpgjaiojdjhoj Aug 17, 2010 at 15:47

If you have URL to mp3 song, then paste it in address bar of chrome. It will start playing the song. Then right click -> Save As... OR Crl+S to save the mp3 being played.

  • This duplicates another answer and adds no new content. Please don't post an answer unless you actually have something new to contribute.
    – DavidPostill
    Sep 23, 2016 at 7:32
  • 1
    This answer provided better clarity.
    – duanev
    Apr 8, 2019 at 16:15

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