I'm using a Pfsense as a home firewall, I set it up some month before and it worked perfectly.

Now that I need to open a new port I connect to https://pfsenseip as usual, but this time the result is 404 page not found.

  • I have restarted from the console, but it keeps telling me 404.
  • I looked at the log but can't find anything related to an error.

Have you some suggestions ?

I'm running Pfsense on zimaboard and the version is 2.6.0

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    – Community Bot
    Apr 15, 2023 at 10:33

1 Answer 1


I have resolved my issue! I have made a mistake will configuring nat for my reverse proxy. The nat rule was pfsense (self): 443 -> myreverse: 443 This rule was overlapping all interface including my admin net. So when I try to access Web gui I end on the reverse proxy.

To correct my mistake: Go to pfsense shell Then exec: viconfig

Search for your nat rule and change the port to another. Save and try to join your web GUI, if not try with a restart.

If you need a temporary extra rule to access to Web GUI you can use: easyrule pass wan tcp 192.168.yourClientIp 192.168.pfsenseIp 443

If this post ever helps someone

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