I am using an old WD My Book (don't know which version, but it's most likely the one from the video How to open a WD my book case) with a WD 2 TB HDD. It is connected via mini USB b <=> USB A to my PC. Here's the result of a short smartctl test:
Model Family: Western Digital Green
Device Model: WDC WD20EZRX-00DC0B0
Serial Number: WD-WMC1T2926965
LU WWN Device Id: 5 0014ee 6add623cf
Firmware Version: 80.00A80
User Capacity: 2,000,398,934,016 bytes [2.00 TB]
Sector Sizes: 512 bytes logical, 4096 bytes physical
Device is: In smartctl database 7.3/5319
ATA Version is: ACS-2 (minor revision not indicated)
**SATA Version is: SATA 3.0, 6.0 Gb/s (current: 3.0 Gb/s)**
Local Time is: Fri Mar 8 16:11:21 2024 CET
SMART support is: Available - device has SMART capability.
SMART support is: Enabled
Am I being held back by the mini USB type-B cable?
It's so old that I think it probably doesn't have a mini USB type-B <=> USB 3.0, right?
Is there a way to use this WD My Book and get 6 Gbit/s?
If not, what should I do to use this HDD to the fullest? It's currently serving media via Plex.
iozone results:
Children see throughput for 1 initial writers = 59172.65 kB/sec
Parent sees throughput for 1 initial writers = 29136.78 kB/sec
Min throughput per process = 59172.65 kB/sec
Max throughput per process = 59172.65 kB/sec
Avg throughput per process = 59172.65 kB/sec
Min xfer = 1048576.00 kB
Children see throughput for 1 rewriters = 59750.37 kB/sec
Parent sees throughput for 1 rewriters = 30209.04 kB/sec
Min throughput per process = 59750.37 kB/sec
Max throughput per process = 59750.37 kB/sec
Avg throughput per process = 59750.37 kB/sec
Min xfer = 1048576.00 kB
Children see throughput for 1 random readers = 163371.80 kB/sec
Parent sees throughput for 1 random readers = 54834.50 kB/sec
Min throughput per process = 163371.80 kB/sec
Max throughput per process = 163371.80 kB/sec
Avg throughput per process = 163371.80 kB/sec
Min xfer = 1048576.00 kB