How can I create multipart rar file in Linux using the official console rar client?

RAR 3.90   Copyright (c) 1993-2009 Alexander Roshal   16 Aug 2009
Shareware version         Type RAR -? for help

I want a multipart rar with each part size being 150 MB.

  • Why use RAR? There are a lot of other file formats out there, ones that people don't file lawsuits over and are still widely used in 2010, like 7z, tgz, zip.
    – digitxp
    Commented Sep 4, 2010 at 4:07
  • I too recommend 7z (p7zip) implementation. Not only it's a program free to use on Linux, but you also have a better compression rate.
    – polemon
    Commented Sep 4, 2010 at 4:09
  • OK, I have asked this question for 7zip, too. Please help! superuser.com/questions/184557/…
    – hopeseekr
    Commented Sep 4, 2010 at 4:36

1 Answer 1

rar a -v153600k <name-of-archive-file> <files-to-compressed>

will create 150Mb multipart rar archives

Personally, I'd use 7zip or bzip2 than rar, but that's my opinion


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