I am running XP and im looking for a screensaver that does not change the desktop. I.e when the screensaver is active, i want to be able to see my desktop as it is and any changes on the desktop to be visible. Only if i touch the mouse should the login prompt be displayed to inactive the screensave.
For example, i am usually either working on my desktop or laptop. On my desktop i have an applicaiotn running that is showing me stock quotes from the stock exchange. Everytime the screensaver activates i have to touch the mouse to bring the screen back.
What i want to be able to do, is to be working on my laptop and at any time look at the numbers on my desktop without the screensaver interfering. I want the screensaver to be active but its only job is to ask me to enter the password to unlock the screen. I should still be able to see teh stock prices as tehy are changing even while the screensaver is active.
Basicly is it possible to see the desktop while the screensaver is active?