Mouse scrolling doesn't work in tmux the way it works when I run shell without tmux (in Gnome Terminal). It seems tmux sends mouse scroll events as if I pressed Up/Down keys. But I want it to scroll though the shell output history. Is there a way to make tmux work like this?
Note: I know how to scroll with the keyboard (thanks to another question here).
I tried mouse scrolling in two versions of tmux:
- 0.8-5hardy1 (on Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron))
- 1.3-1 (on Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat))
set -g mouse on
, and start new tmux/tmate session. To copy text - hold Shift key while selecting with the mouse.ambiguous option mouse
. How do I fix this? I am trying to set mouse on from a remote hpc...