Using Ubuntu 10.10 command line, how can I list all IPs connected to my home network?
Ideally, it needs to be a CLI command as I will be running it from C++.
Using Ubuntu 10.10 command line, how can I list all IPs connected to my home network?
Ideally, it needs to be a CLI command as I will be running it from C++.
Check out the arp-scan command - you will probably have to install it eg:
sudo apt-get install arp-scan
And to give further detail:
sudo arp-scan --interface=eth0 --localnet
Where eth0 is your device. You can find your device with:
instead of eth0
Use nmap. example: nmap -sn
The arp cache will only tell you those that you have tried to contact recently.
ip -s -s neigh flush all
In windows this would be arp -a
an equivalent of that in Linux would be arp -e
From the man
page for arp
arp with no mode specifier will print the current content of the table.
-e : Use default Linux style output format (with fixed columns).
arp -a
displays (all) hosts in alternative (BSD) style. Simpy running arp
does the same as running arp -e
beacuse that's the default.
Sep 2, 2016 at 20:48
If your network is
, make an executable file with the following code; Change the 192.168.0
to your actual network.
for ip in 192.168.0.{1..254}; do
ping -c 1 -W 1 $ip | grep "64 bytes" &
ping -b -c 1
result "1 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 0ms"
Oct 31, 2016 at 21:17
Try installing nmap
(sudo apt-get install nmap
) and type nmap
substituting 192.168.1
with the first three parts of your ip address (find out using ip addr
You can also get a slightly less accurate (in my experience) map of a network by running ping
(again substituting 192.168.1
), which should issue a ping
to every machine on the network, but, in my experience, does not always function correctly.
For a more compact list of connected devices:
nmap -sL 192.168.0.* | grep \(1
nmap -sL 192.168.0.*
will list all IPs in subnetwork and mark those, that have name:
Nmap scan report for
Nmap scan report for Dlink-Router.Dlink (
Nmap scan report for
Nmap scan report for android-473e80f183648322.Dlink (
Nmap scan report for
As all interesting records start with parenthesis (
and digit 1
, we filter for that with | grep \(1
(backslash is needed to escape parenthesis)
Beware that if two devices have the same name, nmap
will show only the one, that was connected to router last
Came up with the following on a nexus using tmux
as arp-scan
isn't in the repo but nmap
came pre-installed, displays just the ip addresses:
nmap -sn | egrep "scan report" | awk '{print $5}'
This Answer determines the subnet by itself while in the other answers you need to provide it.
The script uses arp -a
or ip -o -f inet addr show
to find the subnet.
I've build the script elaborating on @anders-larsson and @mathieu-caroff 's answers. I avoid the use of 'nmap', but the script is easily amended to use nmap.
Basically, $baseip
is built using bash replacement macros in the second part of the script if no parameter is provided on the command line. Otherwise it will scan the provided subnet (style: 192.1.5 without the third dot last byte of the IP).
function scan ()
for ip in $1.{1..254}; do
ping -c 1 -W 1 $ip &
done | sed -nE 's:^.* from ([0-9.]+).*time=(.*s)$:\1 (\2):p'
if [ $1 ]; then
for baseip; do
scan $baseip
baseip=$(arp -a) && baseip=${baseip%%\)*} && baseip=${baseip##*\(}
if [ $baseip"" == "" ] ; then
baseip=$(ip -o -f inet addr show|grep "scope global") && baseip=${baseip##* inet} && baseip=${baseip%%/*}
scan $baseip
Ellaborating on Anders Larrson's answer -
function scan ()
for ip in $1.{1..254}; do
ping -c 1 -W 1 $ip &
done | sed -nE 's:^.* from ([0-9.]+).*time=(.*s)$:\1 (\2):p'
if [ $1 ]; then
for baseip; do
scan $baseip
scan 192.168.1
Here another solutions in terminal:
nmap -sn
(if your router ip is starting with 192.168.1._ )
ip n
ip -r n