Possible Duplicate:
Best way to get data off a computer with no support for USB or ethernet?

I have a friend, he has a computer that has windows 95 operating system. he is using Lotus with it. and he has very important document in this computer.

Computer doesnt have a floppy or a CD Writer. I doubt windows 95 would support writing CDs anyway. No USB ports. No internet.

He wants to take those important files from Windows 95.

I suggested that he can connect the hard drive to another machine and rescue the files like that.

Is there an alternative. What can be done?


  • 1
    Lets see, No CD, floppy, network card, usb...connect the hard drive to another PC, that is about all you can do easily.
    – Moab
    Apr 16, 2011 at 2:18
  • The OS makes no difference, since it is a lack of hardware issue, the other post has all the solutions that also apply to you.
    – Moab
    Apr 16, 2011 at 14:29


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