I'm trying to use GeekTool (Mac pref pane... basically just embeds output of a shell command/script on the desktop... http://lifehacker.com/#!244026/geek-to-live--monitor-your-mac-and-more-with-geektool) to monitor a a remote machines/server, and I'm having some trouble determining how best to check if a machine is up/down.
I'm using no-ip as a free dns re-direct... but this only helps me with the public IP of the router. The machine I want is behind the router and thus isn't able to be "ping"ed directly.
I have port forwarding set up for port 8080 which leads to the machine I want. Is there a way to essentially ping through port 8080 to see if the machine is up and running? I tried telnet, but this apparently doesn't work (as far as output) in GeekTool. I'm running a website at 8080, so I guess I just want to know if/when it goes down.
Thanks in advance... if I can provide more clarification let me know.
(figured out my problem... see below)
is an ICMP protocol, whereas ports are TCP and UDP concepts. All 3 are distinct protocols on top of IP. That means an IP packet containing TCP cannot contain ICMP and vice versa. It also means the TCP header (with the port) is not present in an ICMP ping packet.