I'm looking for a better PM tool. Something like http://www.axosoft.com/ontime where it looks more like a e-mail client but preferably web hosted.
Any recommendations?
I'm looking for a better PM tool. Something like http://www.axosoft.com/ontime where it looks more like a e-mail client but preferably web hosted.
Any recommendations?
more information at SO tag [project-management]
Basecamp is a web based project management tool. They have a free version that is limited to one project and you cannot upload files.
Here is a direct link to the free version since people have problems looking for it.
I'd recommend either
PHProject (www.phprojekt.com) or Trac (trac.edgewall.org).
Both are free and open source.
You can also build up your own pm-suite with custom tooling (e.g. mantis as bugtracker, svn as version control, etc...)
How about ClockingIT? It's free and you can host it yourself or use their own servers.
I'm using Feng Office.
They provide three variants (compared here):
Functionality is similar to PHProjekt, which was recommended by t0mt0m.
We use TeamLab - easy to navigate and offer just all the needed features. In addition, they have just integrated the possibility to edit the documentation online.
Of course, there are some minuses (like anywhere), this platform doesn't have CRM and calendar.