I want to give limited users an ability to install all driver type (ex: printer, LAN etc). Is it possible? Any solution will be apreciated.

  • No, that's not possible.
    – Sathyajith Bhat
    Commented May 22, 2011 at 9:23
  • Not only impossible, but would be a Very Bad Thing if it weren't. Commented May 22, 2011 at 11:46
  • This would be amazingly cool. Just write a driver based on some MSDN sample code and hijack the entire system. Your (advanced, technical, and possibly malicious) users would love you for it.
    – Daniel Beck
    Commented May 22, 2011 at 13:39

1 Answer 1


I haven't used XP for a long time, but if you know in advance what drivers are required you could pre-install them, or you could put them in the driver store (?) so that Windows automatically finds and uses them when the new hardware is detected?

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