Is there any way I can access registry of my Windows 7 installation from Ubuntu. I believe that Registry Editor is a GUI to edit various configuration settings which are stored and distributed among multiple files. So I wonder if I can access those configuration from Ubuntu (or any other non-windows OS).

3 Answers 3


The chntpw tool has (very basic) registry editing capabilities.

Also try the regedit that comes with Wine – you might be able to load the Win7 registry hives into it. The files are:

  • Registry: HKLM\SYSTEM

    File: \WINDOWS\system32\config\system

  • Registry: HKLM\SOFTWARE

    File: \WINDOWS\system32\config\software

  • Registry: HKU\<user-SID> (aka HKCU)

    File: <home>\NTUSER.DAT

  • Registry: HKU\<user-SID>_Classes (aka HKCU\Software\Classes)

    File: <home>\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows\UsrClass.dat

    File: <home>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\usrclass.dat – as of Windows Vista

  • Registry: HKU\.DEFAULT (the system account)

    File: \WINDOWS\system32\config\default

Note that HKU\.DEFAULT is the system account. It is not the template account.

The template account's files are at \Documents and Settings\Default User (substitute for <home> above).

[self todo: SECURITY, SAM]

  • is ti possible to edit any other registry zones, @grawity? For example, I would like to edit an entry inside HKEY_USERS. Commented Jul 28, 2014 at 0:03
  • 1
    @Sopalajo de Arrierez: Yeah, that's the same as the 3rd bullet point above (HKCU is an alias for HKU\currentuserid). I'll update later with paths for HKU\.default and HKU\currentuserid_Classes.
    – grawity
    Commented Jul 28, 2014 at 4:30
    – Uday Swami
    Commented Sep 12, 2023 at 6:45

Offline NT Password & Registry Editor has a registry editor which works under Linux

  • There is also a registry editor and other registry utilities that works under linux/unix, and can be used for other things than password editing

A. reglookup

apt install reglookup

$ reglookup -t BINARY -p \
  /ControlSet001/Services/BTHPORT/Parameters/Keys/4c1d96a0c133/c8478c0b5dd0 \


it show binary as % encoded string, not like regedit.

// a js function, to decode it's output // can be run in browser F12 console

function my_decode(val){
  var out = []
    var hex = v[0]=='%' ? v.substr(1) : v.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)
  return out.join(',')



  .replace(/./g, (x) => ('0'+x.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).substr(-2)+',')

B. reged

apt install chntpw

$ reged  -x /mnt/win10/Windows/System32/config/SYSTEM \
   '\ControlSet001\Services\BTHPORT\Parameters\Keys\4c1d96a0c133' /dev/stdout \
    | grep c8478c0b5dd0

it not output to stdout, so use /dev/stdout.
it can't specify item name, so use grep.

C. hivexget

apt install libhivex-bin

root@archiso ~ # hivexget /mnt/Windows/System32/config/SYSTEM  'ControlSet001\Control\ComputerName\ComputerName'

D. hivexregedit

apt install libwin-hivex-perl

root@archiso ~ # hivexregedit --export  /mnt/Windows/System32/config/SYSTEM  'ControlSet001\Services\iaStorV'
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



root@archiso ~ # hivexregedit --export  /mnt/Windows/System32/config/SYSTEM  'ControlSet001\Services\iaStorV' > /tmp/bla.reg
root@archiso ~ # vim /tmp/bla.reg
root@archiso ~ # hivexregedit --merge /mnt/Windows/System32/config/SYSTEM /tmp/bla.reg
  • please add hivex. thanks. linux.die.net/man/1/hivexget
    – thomas
    Commented Jun 22, 2022 at 17:08
  • @thomas I didn't try it yet, edit answer to improve are welcome : )
    – yurenchen
    Commented Jun 22, 2022 at 17:20

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