Whenever I launch MacVim via the mvim command, I get the output of ls ~ printed to my terminal repeatedly for as long as I'm using MacVim:

$ mvim base.theme.bash 

$ ActiveGSLocalData Music           gtk
Applications        Pictures        lib
Desktop         Public          libexec
Documents       Sites           share
Downloads       Source          src
Dropbox         VirtualBox VMs      tmp
Library         bin
Movies          doc

I just ran the mvim command on a file, and yet a listing of my home directory gets printed to my terminal. MacVim won't do this unless I'm using it and if I leave it idle, it doesn't. It will do this repeatedly unless I exit the terminal session. I'm using bash and Terminal.app if it matters.

  • Is the vim command aliased to ls ~? Type alias to see the current aliases.
    – pavium
    Jun 18, 2011 at 4:50
  • @pavium: No, I have vim aliased to mvim.
    – Wuffers
    Jun 18, 2011 at 15:39


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