CTRL+u clears from cursor to beginning of line
CTRL+k clears from cursor to end of line
CTRL+d clears one character to the right of the cursor
Esc+Backspace clears one word to the left of the cursor
Esc+d clears one word to the right of the cursor
Alt+left/right jumps to the beginning of the previous/next word
Ctr+a jumps to start of line
Ctr+e jumps to end of line
To clear the entire screen add the following alias to your ~/.bashrc
alias cls="echo -ne '\033c'"
Now, in a new terminal typing cls
will clear everything including the scroll buffer. It works much faster than reset
since it does not reset anything.
In fact reset
is only needed when you want to fix a broken terminal, e.g. after running cat
on a binary file.
If you are on OSX, then Command (⌘)+k will clear the terminal (also works in the chrome devtools console).