What does a "Legacy USB Mouse" option in a BIOS mean?
Yes legacy usually means older revision, or obsolete. So legacy usb mouse means support for "old style usb mouses".
That's not really answering the question. As Mr. Tamm, my high school electricity teacher, liked to say, "Yes, and oranges taste orangey."
What does legacy USB mouse support mean?
- What is a legacy USB mouse?
- There's an "old style" USB mouse?
- What changed between what version of usb and what version of usb that made mice incompatible?
- Why was the change made?
- When was the change made?
- Who made the change?
- What was the virtue of the "new USB mouses" over the "old USB mouses"?
Put it another way:
What is the BIOS doing when "Legacy USB Mouse" option is enabled?
What is the BIOS doing when "Legacy USB Mouse" option is disabled?