Another way is, update the destination content if exist, else, move
PS: add or remove robocopy parameters of your choice
SET ORIGIN=%HOMEDRIVE%\myfolder_origin
SET DEST=%HOMEDRIVE%\myfolder_dest
IF EXIST %DEST% (robocopy %ORIGIN% %DEST% /E /COPYALL /PURGE /MIR /IS /IT /TEE /FFT /ETA /R:10 /W:5 /ZB /V /LOG:"%HOMEPATH%\Desktop\log.txt") ELSE (MOVE /Y %ORIGIN% %DEST%)
robocopy help
robocopy /?
/E :: Copy subdirectories, including empty ones.
/COPYALL :: copy all file information
/PURGE :: remove destination files and directories that no longer exist in the source.
/MIR :: mirror a directory tree
/IS :: Include equal files.
/IT :: Include modified files
/TEE :: Send output to console window and log file.
/FFT :: assume FAT file times (granularity of 2 seconds).
/ETA :: Show estimated time of arrival of copied files.
/R:n :: Number of retries on copies with errors; default value: 1 million.
/W:n :: Wait time between retries; default value: 30 seconds.
/ZB :: Use bootable mode; if access is denied, use backup mode.
/V :: Produce verbose output, including skipped files.
/LOG:file :: Include status in LOG file (overwrite existing log).