I use Windows Live Mesh to keep my files backed up across many computers, but I have one folder (that I think came from a rar file), called px 2 (with what appears to be a space at the end). This file is being a pest as mesh is always throwing up errors about it saying it contains invalid characters. When I try to delete or rename it, an error comes up saying "Could Not Find This Item", and the same goes for deleting the parent directory. I tried going into the folder from cmd, but when I do DEL "*px*" it still doesn't delete it. Does anyone know how I can get rid of this "folder"?

1 Answer 1


The command for deleting a directory is RMDIR or RD. I'm not sure if DEL is supposed to remove directories.

  • oooh, suddenly i'm feeling foolish
    – topherg
    Nov 24, 2011 at 19:38

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