yes, too old and yet too hard stuff. I tried with the above proposed "stat" method but what if I had "touch"-ed the PID proc dir yesterday? This means my year-old process is shown with yesterday's time stamp. Nah, not what I need :(
In the newer ones, it's simple:
ps -o etimes -p <PID>
as simple as that. Time is present in seconds. Do whatever you need it for.
With some older boxes, situation is harder, since there's no etimes. One could rely on:
ps -o etime -p <PID>
which look a "a bit" weird since it's in dd-hh:mm:ss format. Not suitable for further calculation. I would have preferred it in seconds, hence I used this one:
ps -o etime -p <PID> --no-headers | awk -F '(:)|(-)' 'BEGIN{a[4]=1;a[3]=60;a[2]=3600;a[1]=86400;s=0};{for (i=NF;i>=1;i--) s=s+a[i]*$i}END{print s}'