This is the first time i am operating Linux . I just installed Fedora 16 KDE and i need to know if i really need a antivirus ? I have heard that antivirus isn't needed with linux. Is it so ?

If i need to install an antivirus which is recommended ?


1 Answer 1


Generally speaking, you don't. There are very few virus-like things that hurt Linux systems, and most of the vectors for malicious code come through things like network services with known bugs.

The main reason to install traditional anti-virus software is to avoid carrying Windows viruses, inactive, in Windows document formats.

The standard choice is clamav, and perhaps a GUI front-end to that. It should be packaged and available in your distribution.

In summary: anti-virus is the wrong sort of defence; keep your system patched instead.

  • keep your system patched instead. means ? Jan 25, 2012 at 7:15
  • Apply the patches that your vendor supplies through the system update tools. If you install software from anyone other than Fedora, follow their patching process. Jan 25, 2012 at 7:17

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