In addition to ArchLinux - yaourt: save updatelog?

With tee I am able to get the output at a file and at the terminal at the same time. But when I execute yaourt -Syu | tee yaourt.log in a bash file (which is executed in a terminal) the output of yaourt does not have the usual colors (no colors). Also (sure) when opening the text file you cannot see colors.

  • Is it possible to still see the color formatting of yaourt when executing the above command via a bash script?
  • Is it possible to see the saved text in the same color formatting later again?

1 Answer 1


An easier way to display the color formatting of yaourt in the terminal and to save the output (with color codes) at the same time in a file is to use the yaourt color option :

yaourt -Syua --color | tee yaourt.log  

To display the log file use :

cat yaourt.log  

instead of a text editor, because the color codes make the log unreadable

  • Great, that works!
    – user905686
    Jan 18, 2013 at 13:06

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