I don't know what I did, TextMate 2 expanded the entire files of my project in the sidebar. Now the performance drastically went down. I can't able to figure out how to collapse it.

Sidebar/Project Drawer with expanded view

  • 1
    I have this problem all the time - I've been manually closing the folders (which gets really old). It seems to be somewhat related to the cmd-opt-n hotkey, as it always happens when I'm doing that. Would really like to see a solution.
    – Jesse
    Commented Feb 21, 2012 at 19:49

3 Answers 3


You can hold option while clicking the 'Disclosure Arrow' (the little arrow next to the directory name) to recursively collapse all subfolders.

To collapse all the directories without performing the action for every folder, do this:

  • Press control+tab to move the focus to the file drawer.
  • Press command+up arrow to 'go up a level'.
  • Hold option and click the arrow next to your desired folder.
  • Click the folder icon next to your desired directory to change the file drawer back to that directory.

Reference: http://wiki.macromates.com/FAQ/TextMate2


I don't have TextMate 2, but does selecting the top level items and pressing work? That should be the standard shortcut for collapsing a node recursively but it's not supported by all list views.

  • yeah it collapses only for immediate selection :( Commented Feb 13, 2012 at 13:50
  • Why did I try this on such a large folder! It does seem to work though, thanks! Works really nice in combination with "Reveal current file" Cmd+Shift+R. Commented Sep 8, 2016 at 20:10

what works for me is:

  1. select an item in the project drawer
  2. command-a to select all
  3. hit the left arrow (right arrow expands all)

that should collapse all folders

  • This is great, a step in the right direction. Too bad it only collapses the top level folders though, and maintains the select-all selection when you open them.
    – IAmNaN
    Commented Oct 30, 2014 at 18:05

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