When bookmarking a web site, most contemporary browser will display the site's favicon next to the bookmark, both in the bookmark view and the bookmark toolbar.
This is a useful feature. In the bookmark toolbar you can edit the name of the bookmark to be blank, effectively leaving the favicon there as an easily identifiable "button" from which to launch the bookmark. This allows you to make more effective user of the space in the bookmark toolbar. I use this approach effectively in Firefox, Chrome, and IE. For example, here is a portion of my Bookmarks Toolbar from Firefox:
However, in Safari, no favicon is ever displayed for bookmarks. In the full bookmark view only a generic globe icon is displayed. In the Bookmark Bar in Safari, no icon at all is displayed. This means the habit of removing the bookmark name and leaving the favicon is useless. Here's what the same configuration (synced between browsers via Xmarks) looks like in Safari:
That blank space is where the favicons should be. The bookmark is there -- if you hover over it, the blank space changes color to indicate the presence of a bookmark and a tooltip with the URL will pop up after about two seconds. However, it's quite unusable.
Is there an extension, plugin, or modification of some sort that will enable the display of favicons for bookmarks in Safari (OS X Lion 10.7.3, Safari version 5.1.3)?