How can I spell check file names? My spelling isn't at all great, and I rely on MS Word, Google Chrome etc. to make sure I don't publically embarass myself with improper spelling.

How can I clean up my file and folder names? Is there a program or app I can use?

  • What is the number of names you are talking about? Ten? Hundred? Thousands? Maybe sorting them and looking them up in a dictionary manually could be easier and faster (maybe also safer) rather then trying to automate the "fixing".
    – U. Windl
    Jun 1, 2023 at 10:58

2 Answers 2


You can list the file and folder names using Directory Lister freeware available @ http://www.freesoftwaretools.net/sites/default/files/DirLister.rar and then carry out a spell check on the extracted listing of file and folder names without extensions by copying it into Microsoft Word.

  • 1
    Yes, but how do I then automatically rename the incorrectly named file names, to correctly named ones?
    – wizlog
    Mar 28, 2012 at 16:39
  • In the end no program knows your intention, so there is no automatic decision for "right or wrong"; automatic corrections can make things worse, actually. In many cases it's not clear which of multiple alternatives is the correct one.
    – U. Windl
    Jun 1, 2023 at 10:55

ispell or aspell?

something like (untested)

c:\> dir /B | ispell -l


c:\> dir /B | aspell -list
  • 1
    Can you please elaborate? where do I enter this, what do I do with this, what dictionary does this use...?
    – wizlog
    Mar 28, 2012 at 16:39
  • In a command prompt, read the list of misspellings and suggestions, one of the dictionaries provided with it and/or one you supply. Mar 28, 2012 at 16:42
  • This doesn't change filenames, though?
    – endolith
    Oct 10, 2019 at 15:20

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